Farm & Food Care Ontario's inventory of links and resources to help crops, horticulture, and livestock producers better manage extremes in weather.
Prevention/Preparation for Low Water Situations
Managing Weather Risks - OMAFRA Resources Pages - Horticulture
How To Prepare for Irrigation During Water Shortages, OMAFRA
Weather Risks: Strategies to Mitigate the Risk of Insufficient Moisture
Agricorp: Risk Management Program
Agricorp: Production Insurance
Managing Forages in Dry Years, OMAFRA
Response Tactics for Low Water Situations
Monitoring Soil Moisture to Improve Irrigation Decisions, OMAFRA
Water Efficiency and Conservation Practices for Irrigation, OMAFRA
Blog post: How long do I run my drip lines?
Permits to Take Water Information
Ontario Low Water Response - Working Together to Manage Low Water
Irrigation Scheduling For Tomatoes - Water Budget Approach, OMAFRA
Effects of Dry Conditions on the Tomato Plant, OMAFRA
Impact of Dry Conditions on Potato Yield, OMAFRA
Fruit Crops
Field Crops
Using moisture-stressed corn as livestock feed, OMAFRA
Impact of Dry Conditions on Soybeans, Field Crop News
Agronomy Guide: Drought Injury in Field Corn, OMAFRA, pg. 39
Conserving Pasture Production, OMAFRA
Fall Pasture Management Following a Dry Summer, OMAFRA
Coping with Poor Hay Crop Quality, OMAFRA
Forage Production Ontario, Forage Network
Double Cropping Fall Rye for Extra Forage, OMAFRA
Forage Sorghum-Sudan Grass, OMAFRA
Cover Crops: Sorghum Sudan, OMAFRA
Soybeans as a Forage Crop, OMAFRA
Managing Forages in Dry Years, OMAFRA
Fall Cutting of Alfalfa, OMAFRA
Feed Management and Alternative Feeds for Beef Cattle
Beef Farming, OMAFRA
Using Corn Damaged by Dry Weather for Silage, Field Crop News
Coping with Hay Shortages in Beef Cow Wintering Rations, OMAFRA
Alternative Forages and Sample Wintering Rations for Beef Cattle, OMAFRA
Now is the Time to Prevent Feed Shortages, Canadian Cattlemen
Fence-line and TMR Feeding Systems for Beef Cattle
Corn Stalklage and Wheat Straw in Wintering Beef Cow Diets,
Pregnant Checking in a Drought Year With High Cull Cow Prices, Beef Cattle Research Council
Distillers Grains and Soybean Hulls - A Complementary Combination for Cattle Performance, OMAFRA
Using Corn Stover as Low Cost Pasture for Beef Cattle, OMAFRA
Stretching Your Hay Supply With Straw, Canadian Cattlemen
Potential Dangers of Nitrate Poisoning and Silo Gas Poisoning When Using Dry Weather Damaged Corn, OMAFRA